Returning ARA Members:
Login to your Boathouse Connect account and join a team (masters, young adults, juniors, novice). If you need assistance, please email our Team Manager teammanager@anchoragerowing.com). After that, make sure to review our safety information to make sure you're up-to-date.
New to ARA?
Please email our Team Manager with your rowing experience. Once you have decided what works for you best a link will be provided for payment/icrew profile instructions/how to sign up for practices/USROWING Membership etc. teammanager@anchoragerowing.com. Make sure you review our team safety information as well.
Just visiting?
Click here for information for Visiting Rowers

Current Pricing
- Adult membership (27 and older) $225 annually, $50 for May, and $80 monthly June to September
- Young Adult Membership (19-26) $100 annually, $50 for May, and $80 monthly June to September
- Novice adult membership following your class conclusion: $80 monthly
- Returning Juniors (12-18) $475 for full season
- Financial assistance is available. Please email our Team Manager teammanager@anchoragerowing.com) for more information.
Practice days/timesĀ
Sweep T/Th 5:30-7:00 PM
Sculling M/W/F 6-7:30 AM & 7:30-9:00 AM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday afternoons in larger boats (Sweep) from 4:00-6:00 pm
Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 7:30-9:00 am in smaller 1 and 2 person boats (sculling).
Questions? Email our team manager We look forward to seeing you at the Lake!