Experienced Adult Rowers


Returning ARA Members:

Login to your Boathouse Connect account and join a team (masters, young adults, juniors, novice). If you need assistance, please email our Team Manager teammanager@anchoragerowing.com). After that, make sure to review our safety information to make sure you're up-to-date.


New to ARA?

Please email our Team Manager with your rowing experience. Once you have decided what works for you best a link will be provided for payment/icrew profile instructions/how to sign up for practices/USROWING Membership etc. teammanager@anchoragerowing.com. Make sure you review our team safety information as well.


Just visiting?

Click here for information for Visiting Rowers

Four people posing with their arms around each other. They are outside, and wearing wet raincoats. Three of the four have gold medals on blue-and-yellow ribbons around their necks
Current Pricing
  • Adult membership (27 and older) $225 annually, $50 for May, and $80 monthly June to September
  • Young Adult Membership (19-26) $100 annually, $50 for May, and $80 monthly June to September
  • Novice adult membership following your class conclusion: $80 monthly
  • Returning Juniors (12-18) $475 for full season
  • Financial assistance is available. Please email our Team Manager teammanager@anchoragerowing.com) for more information.
Practice days/timesĀ 

Sweep T/Th 5:30-7:00 PM
Sculling M/W/F 6-7:30 AM & 7:30-9:00 AM

Monday/Wednesday/Friday afternoons in larger boats (Sweep) from 4:00-6:00 pm
Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 7:30-9:00 am in smaller 1 and 2 person boats (sculling).

Questions? Email our team manager We look forward to seeing you at the Lake!

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