The Anchorage Rowing Association has a vibrant Junior rowing program for those age 12-18. The ARA Junior Crew is focused on building teamwork, learning boat skills, and participating in year-round healthy social activities. The Juniors row from June through August and have practice on Monday/Wednesday/Friday afternoons in larger boats from 4-6 pm and Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 7:30-9am in smaller sculling boats.
For new Junior rowers, we have a Junior Camp that runs Monday-Friday, June 3-7 from 3-5 pm with a mandatory pool session on Saturday, June 1st from 8 am-noon. The cost of the camp is $175. To continue rowing after junior camp for the remainder of the season, the cost is $300 (or $315 if broken into 3 monthly payments of $105).
For Juniors that are returning, the cost for the season is $475 (or $495 if broken into 3 monthly payments of $165).

Scholarships are available for both returning and new juniors. (pdf application)
Returning Juniors, click here to register for the 2024 season
If you have any questions regarding our classes, please contact
If you have any questions regarding our classes, please contact