Junior Rowers

The Anchorage Rowing Association has a vibrant Junior rowing program for those age 12-18. The ARA Junior Crew is focused on building teamwork, learning boat skills, and participating in year-round healthy social activities. The Juniors row from June through August and have practice on Monday/Wednesday/Friday afternoons in larger boats from 4-6 pm and Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 7:30-9am in smaller sculling boats.

For new Junior rowers, we have a Junior Camp that runs Monday-Friday, June 3-7 from 3-5 pm with a mandatory pool session on Saturday, June 1st from 8 am-noon. The cost of the camp is $175. To continue rowing after junior camp for the remainder of the season, the cost is $300 (or $315 if broken into 3 monthly payments of $105).

For Juniors that are returning, the cost for the season is $475 (or $495 if broken into 3 monthly payments of $165).

Two young women in a boat, wearing matching shirts that read "Alaska Rowing" on the back

If you have any questions regarding our classes, please contact Juniors@AnchorageRowing.com

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