Learn to Row teaches sweep rowing which is a team sport. You will row in an 8-person sweep rowing shell using one 13-foot oar on either the port or starboard side of the boat. The rowers face the stern (back) of the boat and a coxswain (cox, the 9th person and non-rower) sits in the stern of the boat and provides direction to the rowers. Learn to Scull teaches sculling which can be done as an individual, or in boats with 2 or 4 rowers (singles, doubles and quads). Sculling in singles can be taught throughout the season through private lessons but opportunities to learn sweep rowing are limited to the Learn to Row classes or special events, such as our annual Dave Thorsness Rowing Challenge fundraiser.

Important Information
For novice rowers and parents, getting acquainted with rowing involves learning a new set of terms and commands. Fortunately, the vocabulary is not extensive. Key terms and phrases to enhance your understanding and ability to converse about the sport are provided. Additionally, safety is our top priority at Anchorage Rowing Association. We have essential safety rules, including mandatory video training, traffic patterns, and equipment protocols. To learn more about both safety guidelines and rowing terminology, click the button below.